Ayla is an Anatolian Shepherd, a livestock guardian breed from Turkey. She is almost two years old. Since we only had the chickens for 3 months, I have been gradually letting her spend more time with the chickens under my supervision. I am hoping that eventually I will be able to let the chickens free range and that my livestock guardian dogs will keep them safe. Ayla seems to be very promising and my other Anatolian is also doing great with them.
For more information about my Anatolian Shepherd Dogs see:
My Anatolian Shepherd Ayla trying to figure out what they chickens are finding in the pool with all the hay in it. Lucy is watching the "big chicken" scratch around in the hay.

Group photo left to right, Pearl, Tippi, Bella and Goldie

Sophie my Ameraucana cockerel and Mira

Lucy guzzling some water. She just absolutely loves to guzzle, if she hears water running anywhere she comes running and starts drinking, out of the hose, out of a bottle if I pour something, and when I have the drip system running she runs from emitter to emitter to drink. None of the other chickens drink near as much as she does.

Lucy comes over to check out Ayla's toes

When she started pecking at the toes Ayla very appropriately turns her head away, in doggie language she is trying to keep the peace

She looks at Lucy again as she turns her back on Ayla.

Doesn't she look like a happy flock guardian?

Group phote, Tippi, Buffy and Tobi

Ayla getting a taste of the chicks' breakfast as they look on

Bianca and Pearl