Below is a group picture of all 10 "chicks", getting a taste of "free-ranging". In the mornings and evenings I let them out of their coop and let them use the open area and one of the dog runs, this gives them an approximate area of 80 x 30 to range on. Out of my 5 dogs only the terrier will still go after the chickens, the rest is only mildly interested in them, but not wanting to hurt them. So I am hoping that when fall comes and the chickens are pretty much fully grown they will be able to use at least half of our property at a time.
In the back the two white Delaware pullets, then the two Barred Leghorns (black and white), then there are the two Buff Orpingtons (peach colored), also on the right the gold and black rooster with the golden neck and the same colored hen between the Buffs in the front and the Barred Leghorns in the back, behind the black and gold rooster is Lucy, the Ameraucana pullet and then to the far left is Sophie, the Ameraucana rooster. Sophie my Ameraucana rooster, so far so good, he is really sweet
Lucy my Ameraucana pullet, she is on the bottom of the pecking order it seems, but she is very smart, and just goes about her business and since I always put plenty of food out, she never misses out on any of the treats either.
Goldie the Golden Campine rooster, he is extremely standoffish, really interesting as he wasn't like that as a chick. He is the more assertive one of the two roosters, crows a lot more and stares down Sophie who is almost twice his size.
The Delawares Pearl and Bianca
Corn on the cob is a favorite treat