Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Two of my 3 month old Welsummer chicks to the right, on the left is my Silver Spangled Hamburg pullet, she is a week older than the Wellies, but look how small she is. She is a really high-strung bird, very flighty, easily panicked and she squawks like none of the others do.
This is Whitney, she is a 'sister" to the Welsummers above, but due to the fact that she has diffiulty eating on her own, I have handfed her most of her food ever since she was 3 weeks old. She and her sisters do this thing where their feathers stand up when they are not sure of something. Whitney has just started to go outside more often since our temperatures have been cooler in the mornings so she is a bit anxious about stepping ouside in the picture above. She is funny as once outside she usually scampers along wherever I go.

The chicks are going through a molt right now, so look a little frazzled.

Here Whitney meets Callie who is a 5 month old California White pullet. Callie is territorial and wants to check out the stranger on the other side of the fence.