Saturday, April 21, 2007

Just some cute pictures

Just wanting to share a few cute pictures of my little flock:

Tippi, a Barred Leghorn
Goldie, a Golden Campine

Bella, a Golden Campine

My cute little Lucy, an Ameraucana The monster chick Sophie, she is so much bigger than the others, when she jumps off the perch it makes a "thump" because she is so heavy. She doesn't like it when the others are running like mad, she stops them and stands tall on her legs "dare running into me!". Maybe she is a HE?

Biance, a Delaware, showing off her pretty feathers

and Bianca, sitting on my hand

Pearl, a Delaware, looking all fluffy

Buffy, a Buff Orpington


benjymous said...

My goodness those guys are incredibly cute! We've just got 4 chickens, and I'm trying to find suitable toys to keep them entertained (and not keep pecking each other) - so far all I've come up with is an old CD dangling as a mirror - any suggestions?

Trisha said...

I found your link on Chickens-101 and stopped by to say hello. Nice looking chicks!

Semavi Lady said...

I'm jealous!! They are sooooo cute!

Golden Campines! I had once wanted to get some but ended up choosing several other breeds (variety) of the larger standards. My faves that I've had are the Easter Egg chickens and the Buff Orpington. Great fun. :)

Benjymous, probably you just need more room for them due to persnickety ones and the less assertive ones. More in the manner of avoiding all visual straight lines? (so whoever needs a break can get out of the line of sight, without actually hiding)

Not an option with your ark set up?

Okay, get some hay or straw spread in a few separate piles 4" deep and put a __small__ amount of scratch and fresh pulled grass, fruit and left over dinner goodies INto the piles so they have to be busy scratching (and making a mess).

If they are busy doing what chickens normally do (foraging), they will spend less time picking at each other. I don't know your birds, but I'd probably use at least three piles so one or the other pile will be free for the most timid bird.