Wednesday, April 4, 2007

My new Arrivals,

today I got my very first chicks, a total of 10, 2 of each breed, Delawares, Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Golden Campines and Barred Leghorns. The first picture shows them all, the two Ameraucanas look quite fluffy. I picked them up this morning and they already look like they are bigger and more active, trying to fly around in their box, pecking at the cardboard and generally making a mess.

Oh yes, I have been warned that they are messy. Hopefully they will grow fast so they can move to their new home in the yard where a brand new henhouse is waiting for them, the weeds are growing and probably there will also be a few bugs for them to eat.

The first pictures on these little girls were taken within a couple hours of getting here, 12 hours later they seemed to have grown already and they are getting quite rambuctious, pecking at the walls of their box.

So I threw a little bit of fresh grass in there, which resulted in some mad dashes around the box, there was enough grass for everybody, but it seems like whenever one of them picks up a blade of grass everybody wants it and the one who holds it in its beak runs like mad to hold on to it.

This chick here is a little Barred Leghorn

In the foreground here is a little Ameraucana. This breed lays eggs that are usually green, but can be bluish or even pinkish. We will see what our little girls will produce. My two Ameraucana chicks are the calmest chicks of the bunch, when I pick them up they just lie down in my hand and are content.

the last picture shows Bianca, one of the Delaware chicks. She always comes running as soon as I put my hand in the box, and she doesn't seem to mind much being picked up. The other Delaware chick also comes up when I reach into the box, her name is Pearl.

1 comment:

Semavi Lady said...

Aren't chickies wonderful!! :)