A sleepy Bianca (Delaware)

Look at Bianca's markings.

Pearl is my other Delaware, at this point, her markings are very different than Bianca's. Pearl has several areas of black markings, but none of the fine markings like Bianca has.

Bella, a Golden Campine, she is the same breed as my little rooster Goldie. Whenever I go into their pen, she finds a way to fly on my back, such a little mischief she is, she is getting used to getting petted.

Buffy, one of my Buff Orpingtons

Mira, the other Buff Orpington. She is still a lot smaller than the other chicks, she seems to realize she is smaller, when they all go after some lettuce she usually gets pushed aside at first, Sophie is about 3 times her size. So when I hand feed treats I make sure Mira gets her share. Otherwise it isn't a problem, as I always have more than one feeder and waterer around, so she won't go hungry or thirsty.

Lucy, an Ameraucana, and Goldie the rooster, munching on some grains. Lucy is a real chow hound, when she gets to a feeder, she just inhales the food, today I caught her laying at the feeder and gobbling up the food. She is very sweet and will cuddle a little if she sits on my arm and I stroke her feathers. I never knew that feathers could have such a soft feel to them.

Tobi, one of the Barred Leghorns. They are both rather small compared to some of the other chicks. Tobi really likes to come over and hop on my hand. Doesn't like petting, but always wants to come up and sit on me.

Pearl again from the other side. Both she and Bianca are very curious birds.

Sophie, her head is getting some grey feathering now, and she is growing ear tufts, she is mostly cream white right now, with some of those black and cream feathers on the neck, wings and tail. Very interesting coloring. She is a little clumsy, she is so much bigger than any of the other chicks and I am seeing a little hint of a comb growing now.
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