Kori is 4 years old, she is the only one of my original Barred Rocks left, the other 3 all developed large internal tumors and died. Kori is funny, she always follows me around and makes a funny squeaky sound as she goes about her business, never seen another chicken making sounds like she does.
Mrs. Daisy, formerly known as the mystery chicken, she still lays a beautiful green egg almost every day
One of my 5 year old Ameraucanas, she still lays a large green egg several times a week, and she even continues to lay now when she is going through a slow but steady molt
Whitney, one of my 4 Welsumers, she is 3 years old now, I still have to bring her inside every night so she can catch up on eating as she still has problems with that and can only eat things that are a certain size and consistency. She doesn't mind sleeping inside on a shelf in the laundry room, but she loudly demands to go outside every morning. If I don't get to her fast enough, she jumps off the shelf and will then sit on top of the crate that I use to take her outside. It's funny because she will sometimes go all the way around it, to look how to make the "taxi" take her outside.
Sophie, my Maran hen, she has never been a good layer, I get a egg from her here and there
Carmen, she is my flightiest little hen, she lays a egg almost every day and goes broody like clockwork, very annoying, but can't argue with natureBig Bertha, I still have 3 of my original Black Jersey Giants, they are now 4 years old. Big Bertha is huge, even larger than my other Black Jersey Giants. This summer I got a call from a guy in our food co-op telling me he had to re-home his 3 hens. Turned out he had 2 Black Jersey Giants, 4 years old. I am pretty sure they are "sisters" to my others, meaning they probably arrived with the same shipment, my old ones and those 2 adopted ones do hang out together sometimes, and they sure act the same. Funny how things go sometimes.
Bruna, I think she is 3 years old now
Mindy, she is an Ameraucana, she was not part of the original Ameraucan batch, she must be 3 years old I think, lays an occasional green egg
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