Sunday, April 11, 2010

4 and 5 weeks old,

3 chicks ready to take a nap

My two California Whites, their black spots have disappeared, I sure hope they will get black spots as they mature

One of my Buckeyes, at 4 weeks, all the white fluff on the chest is gone

My guess is that the darker brown feathers are more the permanent color they will be when they grow up

Looking at the world beyond their little play yard. Actually last weekend I had them outside on 2 afternoons, they had a really good time pecking at the weeds, scratching in the dirt and learning how to take a dust bath.

Leg color comparison, the chick on the right is he one I thought was a Delaware, but look how green those legs are, pretty big too.

these two girls are sweet, they are Bruna and Foxy

The brown feathers on the head are taking over
Here is this year's spring chickie flock. I am amazed at how hardy they already are, they sit in the general area of where the heat lamps are, but much farther away than I would think at that age, plus they are not all the same age but there doesn't seem to be a difference in their temperature needs anymore.

this is a rather greedy group of chicks, even before I gave them any treats they all came running when I went out to see them, now that I give them the occasional treats like hard boiled eggs or some oatmeal they act like the wild hordes to come and get whatever I bring them. Chickens are really great pets, so entertaining and quite social

they are all looking "you got something for us?"

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