Sunday, April 11, 2010

One week ago, chicks are 3 and 4 weeks old,

one of my Buckeye chicks, can't tell anymore who is who at this time, I hope they will be distinguishable when they get older, for now the only difference is that Bruna is very tame and wants attention when I come to see them

to the left a California White, on the right Barbie, I thought she was a Delaware, but her legs are turning green, so I will have to see what she turns out to be

I really like these little Buckeye chicks, even at this early age they are pretty calm and not as flighty as the California Whites

the chick on the left is 4 weeks old, the brown is 3 weeks, at this age they aren't pecking much at each other yet, they just care about eating and sleeping

brown feathers starting to come in on the head

Barbie, she is very inquisitive but also very calm and laid back, likes to peck at my hands though but more in a curious manner, she's got big legs, so I am hoping she is not a he.

sitting on to of the water container

The California Whites are father flighty, I do like their body shape, very slender

The two Buckeye chicks

The two California White girls

besides the age difference of one week, the chick on the left is a much more slender built than Barbie to her right, on the left is the California White chick

onle a small stripe of fuzz left on the chest

I am hoping that walking mostly on hay will give the chicks a healthier environment for their feet to develop, plus it keeps them busy scratching around

so what's the mystery chick Barbie?

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