Monday, May 28, 2007

8 Weeks - We have a Rooster!

At 8 weeks old Bella has grown into a nice pullet who likes to fly up to me and hang out.
Sophie is a cuddler, she continues to be a lot bigger than the rest of the chicks.

Lucie is a guzzler, she just loves to guzzle cold running water, anytime the drip system comes on she hangs out at one of the emitters and just sucks in the cold water, I think she drinks so much that she ends up chucking it up when she is full, but yet she continues to suck it in. Maybe it feels good to just let it run into her mouth, none of the other chicks are drinking like she does.

Goldie is officially a rooster now, as he started crowing this last Thursday. I had just decided to snooze a few more minutes when I heard this awful noise "ooooeeeeuuuuuhhhh" that left me wide awake and scrambling to get to my chicks. I thought for sure something terrible had happened, but before I could open the door I heard that noise again. This time I am thinking that I have heard that young cockerels start out with some pretty strange noises. I opened the door slightly and there he was, standing on the perch all "cocky", crowing in unison with the various roosters in our neighborhood. Love my chickies. They are so special.

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