Monday, March 15, 2010

Chicks second day home,

This is Barbie, isn't she just too cute. She is very sweet and doesn't mind being held in my hand and being petted.

this is Nicki, she and Calli had these poop balls stuck to their little toes. So I tried vaseline to soften them up, no luck, then I tried soap water, that didn't help much either. So I held on to each little toe while I carefully pulled off these poop balls.

the two Buckeyes, I hope that's what they really are, are also very tame, on the left is Bruna, the other one is Foxi.

Calli one of the California Whites in the foreground

Calli again with her dark spots visible on the back

Bruna, she loves to pick up a piece of hay and then she runs around and round peeping like she has something special, and the other chicks are chasing her

Bruna on the right and to the left looks like Calli


Bruna in the back and Foxi in the front

This year I put some hay in right away and the chicks love it. They scratch around, pull it around and they love to sit in it for sleeping. I think it's better for their feet if they have a more textured flooring. My first group of chickens I raised for several weeks on paper towels and they seem to have outside toes that are turned sideways and flat. I haven't seen that with the chickens I raised last year on hay and towels and having branches to sit on from a very early age.

group picture

I have to look up pictures of Buckey chickens, I didn't think they would have white in their wings, I thought they were an all brown bird.

If anybody sees this picture and can tell me wether or not this is a Buckeye chick I would appreciate it to hear about it.

Barbie again

Bruna in the back and Foxi in the front

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