My 3 Year Olds,
I got 8 Ameraucana hens 3 years ago as young pullets, sadly only 4 of them are surviving. We lost one to an accident the first year, one got sick and died and the other two died suddenly within a week of each other, one I found when I came home for lunch, the other one died over night and I found her in the morning, this happened late summer when it was not so hot anymore, luckily it was just the 2 of them and nobody else had a problem. All 4 of them are still laying eggs, one of them lays a large olive green egg, the others lay lighter blueish green eggs
This is Stella, she is the biggest one of my Ameraucanas and she has no beard or ear muffs.
I am happy to say that of all the hens I got 2 years ago all are still with us, Daisy the mystery hen, the 2 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Barred Rocks and 4 Black Jersey Giants
Daisy is the mystery hen, she is quite a bully towards any younger hens, and does not like to be handled, but she is a prolific layer and lays a very pretty smooth green egg of a good size especially since she is not very big
The larger Buff Orpington
that's her again
this is Chica, she is smallish and requires special care, I always sit with her on a bench when I give everybody scratch and sunflower seeds, I let her eat in peace with me watching over her otherwise she doesn't get her share, she can't see well and there is one Ameraucana hen who always interferes with her eating if I put those treats out. Chica sometimes gets a bit blue on the tips of her comb, but his has been ongoing so maybe she has a heart or respiratory problem.
One of the Barred Rocks
Another Barred Rock, this one is a very noisy hen, always running around cackling about something, she seems to take whatever she has to say very seriously, I just haven't figured out yet what she is always talking about.
Big Bertha, one of my Black Jersey Giants, she is HUGE, I am guessing she weighs 10 to 12 lbs, she is bigger than any of the other Jersey Giants
last year I got 2 Buckeyes, 2 California Whites, 1 Delaware, 1 Ameraucana, 2 Marans, 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes and 4 Welsummers. We lost one, Foxie to a tragic accident when she fell behind a crate, she was only missing for a few hours, but when I found her she was dead.
Barbie my young Delaware came in the same shipping box as the Buckeyes and the feedstore guy tried to tell me she was a Buckeye, well, the Buckeyes only come in brown, so I knew she wasn't a Buckeye, I guessed Delaware, and I guessed right. It was kind of funny because I didn't get her the day I got the others, but then the more I thought about the yellow chick in the box with the brown ones, I felt I wanted to have her, so I went back the next day hoping she would still be there, and she was, so here she is. She has less barring on her neck than Pearl has, so I can easily keep them apart, she is also bigger than Pearl,
Barbie is a nice hen, she lays the typical nice brown eggs that the Delawares lay
The two Golden Laced Wyandottes are very pretty, so far they lay rather small, pinkish brown eggs, neither is very friendly, oh well, being pretty will just have to do,
Sophie one of the Marans, they came from a breeder in Vegas, when I do get more chickens I definetely want to get more Marans, I really like them
Whitney, my little Welsummer hen that I had to raise by hand, she loves being a real chicken out in the yard, I still have her sleep in the house to make sure she gets enough to eat. She complains loudly in the mornings if I don't take her outside fast enough to join her friends
she is very smart and because I have spent so much time with her, I have learned a lot about chicken language
she is a pretty little girl, all my Welsummers have nice temperaments and are good layers of medium to dark brown eggs, one lays a very speckled egg
Bruna my Buckeye, it still makes me sad that we lost her sister
Mindy, she is an Ameraucana and I got her at the same time as the Marans, but she is actually a year older than they are. She lays a very pretty blueish egg, she is a bit timid around the other hens, but she is smart and gets her share of treats
Welsummer hen, the Welsummers look very much alike, I have 4, I keep them apart by looking at their combs, each one has a different shape
The same Welsummer from the side
My Souzie girl, one of my two Marans hens, she is a very nice hen, not the greatest in the egg laying department, her egg is not very dark and usually has a thin rough shell, but I love her anyway, she has a very nice personality and calm disposition.
more pictures of Souzie, she and Sophie were actually hatched at almost the same time as the Welsummers and Wyandottes and the Hamburg, all around May 10, 2010
the little Spangled Hamburg hen, I wish I had gotten more than one, she seems a bit lost without another one like herself, she is a noisy little bird, running around forever croaking like a big crow
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